Lindsay Broder, The Occupreneur Coach, is a certified professional coach based in New York. A Wall Street veteran, she specializes in Occupreneur coaching, strategy and crisis management services for executives, business leaders and organizations striving to improve their businesses or careers.
By this person

The Middle-Management Pickle
10 ways to lead from the center and improve team performance
Middle management is a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t position. Stuck in the middle, you’re responsible for managing down to your reports, out to customers and clients, and up to your superiors. When it comes to delivering bad news, you’re the messenger most likely to be shot.

Dad, You’re Fired.
5 tips for firing family
You can dismiss someone from the conference room, but you may still have to face him or her in the living room.

The Motherhood Penalty
Don't let parenthood stand in the way of pay raises and promotions
For women who fear facing financial or career penalties while parenting, it is important to be proactive. As with all career goals, the key is setting realistic expectations and communicating them effectively to others.