Amy Westervelt is a journalist who lives in Truckee and contributes regularly to The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian UK and National Public Radio, and co-hosts the podcast Range. In 2015 she was honored with a Rachel Carson award for her reporting on the environment. To read more of her work, visit
By this person

Birth Control
Even with advanced family planning methods more readily available, working moms still struggle to have it all
While reproductive technologies have given women and families more control and additional tools, having it all still seems a far leap. Treatments are expensive (most insurance plans won’t cover much), time-consuming and not always effective. Meanwhile, workplace politics have been slow to shift and accommodate a growing number of working moms.

Housing crunch in Truckee and north Tahoe leaves workers with a long commute home
The housing crunch is a problem affecting both the working class and the professional class. Workers move to the area lured by lucrative resort jobs, then find themselves stuck when the cost of housing nearly outstrips their pay.