It isn’t the official start for a gubernatorial run, but Getta Clue apparel store at the Downtown Plaza mall reports to have sold several hundred ‘Kevin For Governor’, ‘Thank You KJ’ and other unauthorized Kings celebration t-shirts for $20 apiece.
Justin Bilbao, co-owner of Getta Clue, an urban apparel store, said he responded to an email from a clothing company named ‘Sactown Faithful’ pitching the tees, and the shirts arrived in the store on Friday, May 17, just two days after the NBA board of governors struck down a relocation bid for the Kings. Bilbao plans to continue ordering the shirts because he predicts the craze will endure, he said.
“As long as we know it’s relevant we will continue to support it,” he said.
On the Sactown Faithful website (, other shirt designs include two fists flipping the bird above the caption “Hey Maloofs” and another that reads ‘Nice Try Maloofs’ under the crossed out names of former Kings relocation suitors: Las Vegas, Anaheim, Virginia Beach and Seattle.
Efforts to reach Sactown Faithful clothing line were not returned at press time. Sactown Faithful is believed to be a small local clothing line.
The tees are not authorized Kings gear nor are they endorsed by Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, who has not announced a run for governor, confirmed a mayor spokesman.
Getta Clue expects to relocate within the mall due to new arena construction, but Bilbao said he is excited for the potential massive boon for his business.
“We have paid our dues,” he said. The shop, which sells sports apparel, has operated inside the downtown mall for 16 years, he said.
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