In California’s capital city, a tale of entrepreneurial spirit and unwavering dedication has unfolded over the past three decades. In 1992, Pat Ferguson and his brother embarked on a humble journey, armed with nothing more than a mop, a bucket and a passion to deliver quality service. From those modest beginnings, their company, Advanced Building Maintenance, Inc., has blossomed into a multi-million-dollar enterprise providing custodial, EVS and general maintenance across 24 states and poised for further expansion. This remarkable journey is a testament to Pat’s relentless pursuit of excellence and his commitment to the values that have guided them every step of the way.
The Ferguson brothers began by knocking on doors, offering custodial services to local businesses in Sacramento. Their dedication to excellence, regardless of the company’s size, became the cornerstone of their success. “We’ve always believed that quality service, customer care and strong employee culture are paramount,” says CEO Pat Ferguson. “Even as we’ve grown, we’ve preserved the importance of personal connection and support for our frontline teams and customers — well before technology platforms became the primary means of communication.”
“We’ve always believed that quality service, customer care and strong employee culture are paramount. Even as we’ve grown, we’ve preserved the importance of personal connection and support for our frontline teams and customers — well before technology platforms became the primary means of communication.” — Pat Ferguson, CEO
Advanced, Inc.
Over the past 32 years, Ferguson has taken the helm of the endeavor, surrounding himself with key leaders who share his passion. The company has secured contracts with numerous Fortune 500 companies. Notable local clients include the Sacramento Kings, Sacramento Republic FC, Sacramento River Cats and Athletics. Most recently, Advanced landed national contracts for several large companies, marking a significant milestone in their expansion.
Despite their impressive growth, Ferguson beams with pride as he talks about the company’s core values and culture that remain unchanged. “We may have expanded across the country, but our commitment to exceptional service and personal touch hasn’t wavered,” he says. “Trust, respect, integrity and excellence are the pillars of our success.”
The company’s success story is a testament to the power of perseverance and a customer-first approach. From their modest beginnings to their current status as a national leader in soft services, Advanced has proven that quality and growth can go hand in hand.
As Advanced continues to expand their reach, their journey from door-to-door sales to managing high-profile contracts serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and a reminder that success often stems from the simplest of beginnings — in this case, a mop, a bucket and an unrelenting competitive spirit.