Investing in our nonprofit sector during the COVID-19 pandemic is an investment in business and community success:
- Nonprofit sector is 4th largest employer in the state
- 1 in 14 CA jobs are at a nonprofit = $74 billion in wages
- 2 million jobs in CA are result of nonprofit activity
- Nonprofit output is 15% of CA’s Gross State Product
- CA nonprofits attract $40 billion into the state each year
- Nonprofits pay $37 billion in taxes
- Nonprofits produce more jobs than the construction industry
- They’re efficient! Nonprofit volunteers equal 331,000 full-time jobs
- Californians trust nonprofits more than they trust business or government
- Nonprofits deliver more than 80% of behavioral health services in Sacramento County
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SAFE & Impact Foundry
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, nonprofit organizations are hit hard by economic uncertainty. In their quest to help our most vulnerable populations, nonprofits themselves need our help. With so many individuals and businesses affected, it’s critical to prioritize nonprofit support.