Back and Forward: Kelly Azevedo

Business strategy consultant discusses operating online

Back Q&A Jul 16, 2018

Kelly Azevedo, founder of She’s Got Systems, a company that provides coaching and strategy for online businesses, offers their insight into the digital marketplace. For more from Azevedo, check out “The Business of Online Business” in our July issue. Sign up for our newsletter and we’ll email you when it’s available online.

What’s the biggest change in operating an online business in the past year?

Online business is always challenged, and built, by technology. What works in 2016 doesn’t in 2018, and an online business owner needs to constantly stay on top of trends and tech to succeed.

Photo courtesy: Kelly Azevedo

For example, it used to be relatively easy to build an audience on Facebook and share your offers, content and programs with them. Now, even if you have thousands of followers, getting them to see your posts will costs you a lot of advertising dollars. The biggest mistake online business owners can make is getting stuck in the rut of, ‘This worked before! and not innovating.

What do you foresee as the biggest change on the horizon in the year to come?

While social media will continue to be a big part of online business marketing, personalized content and in-person events will grow in popularity. The more that we’re connected through a computer screen, the more we will collectively crave connection in person. A recent one-day live event I spoke at drew attendees from more than 10 countries around the world and some traveled to California from New Zealand and Japan — yes for the content, but more so for the connection.

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