Hear from Comstock’s Team on New Podcast Episodes

We sat down with Kelly Brothers and Kitty O'Neal to share our 35-year story

Back Podcast Aug 15, 2024

Yes, we’re a print magazine, but we also talk! Members of the Comstock’s staff were involved in three different podcasts to honor our 35th anniversary issue, and each one is different from the other. Here’s links to all three. Great to listen to in the car. 

In Comstock’s very own “Comstock’s Talks” podcast, Assistant Editor Dakota Morlan hosts a 35-minute-long conversation with Senior Vice President & Director of Business Development Clayton Blakley and Editor Judy Farah about the history of the magazine and how we produced our big 35th anniversary issue. 

Winnie Comstock-Carlson and Judy were guests of KCRA and KFBK’s Kelly Brothers’ “Bite-Sized Finance” podcast he does for his financial firm CAPTRUST. It goes deep into the history of the magazine, the Capital Region business community and the future of magazines and the media. 55 minutes. 

KFBK’s Kitty O’Neal hosts a thoughtful podcast with Winnie where I learned more about our leader-in-chief, who revealed things about her I didn’t know. 20 minutes.

– Judy Farah, editor

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