Since 1992, I have been based out of Sacramento California as a professional photographer. My areas of expertise are commercial, editorial, advertising, corporate, portrait, event, architecture, product and landscape. About 70% of what I photograph is location and studio people photography. The other 30% is a combination of all the other areas of expertise. This is what keeps my career interesting, fresh and exciting. I pride myself on my standard of excellence and a relentless drive to thrive and stay on the top of technology. I have a passion for people and their lives and a simple joy of my life and photography.
By this person
The power of sports
Get involved, get inspired
During the past few weeks, many of us have been touched by the tributes to Nelson Mandela, the former South African president who died in early December at the age of 95. He was a remarkable leader, with the ability to inspire people and move them toward a common goal.

Year of the Young Professional
Here comes the generational shift
The beginning of a new year is a natural time to reflect on the past and plan for the future. This year, my thoughts are on 2014 and beyond as I observe the emergence of a new generation of business and thought leaders.
Open For Business
Banning big-box was a bad idea anyway
I don’t think anyone can dispute the fact that local consumer demand is what drives the success of big-box stores. And, overall, I believe that success has brought more positives than negatives.
A Fair Use of Tax Dollars
I am no fan of Measure U, the voter-approved sales tax that went into effect in April. New taxes are rarely the answer to economic malaise.
The Case for Cooperation
Working together leads to a greater good
For as long as I can remember, I have been preaching the doctrine of regional cooperation. And, I think we have made some important steps in that direction.
The State of Our State
It's not as bad as naysayers claim
I’m no Pollyanna when it comes to assessing our state’s problems, but I must admit I am weary of hearing endless complaints about California’s terrible business environment, its slow economic growth and its many disadvantages compared to states like Texas.
Educational Change
Listen to those that challenge conventional wisdom
Change doesn’t come easily to any organization. Those of us who manage companies know that all too well. Hardest of all is change forced from the outside.
The Case Against New Taxes
Why dampen consumer spending or endanger small businesses?
Taxes are en vogue these days, and not just at the state level where Gov. Jerry Brown is pushing a sales and income tax ballot measure. Eight California cities already gained general tax increases from their residents in the June elections; several more cities and counties will attempt to follow suit in November.
Why Not Good News?
Stop complaining, there is plenty to be happy about
Right now our region is in the dumps. We bemoan our high unemployment, our devastated city budgets, our beleaguered school systems. We look enviously at our neighbors to the south and west, whose economies are improving faster than ours.
Getting on the Right Track
High-speed rail will reap benefits in the long term
High-speed trains linking Northern and Southern California have been a point of contention for more than a decade. For some, such “bullet trains” are the ideal solution to growing transportation needs; for others, they represent a boondoggle with enormous economic risk.
Digging for Development
Turn your attention to our soil
Remember comedian Rodney Dangerfield’s famous catchphrase, “I don’t get no respect?”

Performance of a Lifetime
Arts organizations fight to stay onstage
Sacramento’s performing arts organizations are struggling to keep the curtains from closing for good during the worst economic slump they’ve seen.
Expanding the Middle
With California’s unemployment statistics among the worst in the nation, there’s no hotter topic right now than jobs: how to keep, expand and create them. Increasingly, policymakers are focused on so-called “middle-skill jobs.”
Housing the Homeless
Donate, volunteer and support
The face of homelessness in our region is changing. Yes, we still see the typical street people: the disabled man asking for quarters outside our favorite coffee shop, the elderly lady pushing a grocery cart and the sleeping figures huddled under blankets in doorways. These are the chronically homeless — the most vulnerable, change-resistant and expensive in terms of taxpayer dollars spent on shelters, medical care, addiction rehab and law enforcement.
Of Zip Codes and Schools
Mayor Kevin Johnson cited a statistic in his January state of the city speech that surprised, even shocked, me: In only one of Sacramento’s 19 zip codes are 70 percent or more of third-graders reading at grade level.
Play Big — and Smart
Let's get this arena plan moving
This month, Mayor Kevin Johnson’s Sacramento First Task Force will make recommendations as to how the city could get the most value from a proposed sports and entertainment complex.
A New Urban Vision
It's time to take another look at Sacramento's central city
I’m not one to study a problem to death. I’m usually in favor of action rather than talk, pragmatic solutions rather than unending analysis.
Lost Decade or Found Opportunity?
Looking forward to a new era
The headlines tell the story: “Worst recession in 70 years,” “Unemployment hits new high,” “More companies close” or “State going broke.” None of us are sorry to bid farewell to this year or even this decade.