Comstock’s asked a panel of experts from across the Capital Region to share their thoughts on the issue of homelessness.
What are the driving factors of homelessness?
Patrick Kennedy,
Sacramento County: “There are community contributing factors —
access to housing that is affordable is key. Rental market
changes are impactful. A recent study looking at shifts in rents
and incomes placed Sacramento in the top 10 of least-affordable
markets nationally, with rents rising faster than wages. Lack of
housing production — both market-rate and affordable housing —
contributes to homelessness, which means resolution is more
difficult. Other contributing factors that are not completely
quantified include changes within the criminal justice system and
the lack of options for elderly or other persons needing
specialized care to maintain their housing.”
Sarah Bontrager,
Elk Grove: “At this point, I think we all know about rising rents
and insufficient new construction of housing. We’ve also seen a
reduction in room-and-board (and) board-and-care facilities,
which are a meaningful option for many homeless individuals,
especially those with disabilities. Also there is a need for
greater substance-abuse treatment and mental-health support
options in the community.”
Jeff Brown, Placer
County: “First and foremost, the lack of affordable housing.
Placer County has a residential vacancy rate of less than 1.65
percent, making it incredibly difficult for our low-income
population to find affordable units. Other factors that also play
a significant role include mental illness, substance abuse,
domestic violence, limited education and job skills, and a
history of foster care.”
Mike Leahy, Yuba
County: “Economic situations — being priced out of rent — is the
No. 1 factor for seniors. As they survive on a limited income,
there is only so much to go around. A simple rent increase of $50
will price them into homelessness, with no ability to gain a new
place. Lately, the rent increases are far more than these
individuals can handle. They live on a thin line of balance.”
Frank Axe, Amador
County: “Substance abuse — alcohol, methamphetamine and opiates —
mental illness, health issues, job loss and low-paying jobs, lack
of affordable housing, poor life decisions and the death of a
spouse — we have an older population, and there is an
ever-growing population of senior citizens living in their cars.”
What approaches have been used to address homelessness in your area?
Sarah Bontrager,
Elk Grove: “One of the major changes in recent years has been the
phasing in of ‘housing first,’ which is a model that focuses on
finding a household a safe and stable place to live and then
working on issues that may affect their ability to maintain
housing, like substance abuse and employment. Studies have shown
that this model is more effective than, say, requiring homeless
people to be sober before receiving assistance. Some people will
challenge this, but I try to look at it from the perspective of
someone out on the street — when you don’t know where you’ll be
sleeping that night or if your belongings will be stolen if you
leave them, it’s really hard to commit to making appointments for
substance-abuse and mental-health treatment. … One of the things
I’m most proud of in Elk Grove is our partnership with the
nonprofit Elk Grove HART (Homeless Assistance Resource Team).
They’re an all-volunteer nonprofit that runs a winter sanctuary
that moves between churches. Over the course of 12 weeks, more
than 1,000 people volunteer as drivers, overnight staff, food
servers, etc., and they’re all encouraged to have dinner with the
guests at the host church. That’s a lot of people who come away
with a better understanding of what homelessness looks like in
our community.”
Mike Leahy, Yuba
County: “We used to chase them across the river, then the county
next door would chase them back. Fortunately, Yuba County has had
some of the only positive results in reducing this problem in
California. We enacted a ‘housing first’ concept three years ago.
Our county put together what is now known as 14 Forward, a
tiny-shelter program (made up of 20 sheds and supporting elements
that provide temporary shelter) that allows people to regain
footing on issues that they feel have kept them homeless. Our
community helped fund it, and companies and individuals sponsored
the sheds. The program has guidelines, and the residents must
participate in various programs, including counseling, drug rehab
via local 12-step groups and so on.”
Patrick Kennedy,
Sacramento County: “We’ve recently created a jail-diversion pilot
program and expungement services to help people return to jobs
and housing. For many years, we’ve funded a large transitional
housing campus on 33 acres of county property focused on
employment and recovery. We hired our first county director of
homeless initiatives in 2016, created several new homeless
initiatives in 2017 and adopted a comprehensive homeless plan in
Lt. Jausiah
Jacobson, Fairfield: “We initially established a two-man
homeless intervention team in 2013 where enforcement was the
focus. We quickly learned that establishing rapport with those
afflicted with homelessness and approaching the issue with a
service-first mentality would prove to be far more effective.”
Jeff Brown, Placer
County: “About 2 1/2 years ago, we successfully applied to become
a Whole Person Care pilot program, the first project in the
Sacramento region. This Medi-Cal waiver program targets
individuals who are high utilizers of services, including the
jail, the local hospital emergency room and psychiatric health
facilities. The goal … is to reduce the utilization of these
expensive services while at the same time stabilizing each
participant’s medical condition and improving their quality of
life. By combining intensive services with housing assistance, we
have been able to see significant reductions in service facility
use, while at the same time secure our participants housing. In
the first two years of the program, we were able to permanently
house over 100 individuals.”
What are the biggest obstacles to addressing homelessness?
Mike Leahy, Yuba
County: “One of the obstacles has proven to be the state law and
the courts who have — time after time — halted any realistic
enforcement efforts. Three areas have contributed most: the legal
aspect, as in changing the criminal codes to lower penalties; the
closure of mental health state facilities and ‘releasing’ the
mentally ill upon society, then placing the burden upon the
counties without providing a funding source; and California’s
lack of participation in any solution, including economic
René Evans, El Dorado
County: “Money: If we had more money, we could house every last
one. Housing: If we had the money, we could build more housing
units. Political will: It’s getting better and better, our county
government is supporting more and more programs that support the
needs of the extremely low-income classes.”
Sarah Bontrager,
Elk Grove: “One of the things we found out from talking to people
looking for housing was how much competition there is for units —
people would tell us they’d make an appointment to see an
apartment, and they’d get there, and there would be 10 or 20
other people there to look at it. Because there are so many
people looking for housing, landlords have a lot of choices, and
they’re not willing to take a chance on someone without recent
rental history or with an eviction. Once people leave housing,
especially with an eviction, it’s really difficult to get back
into housing.”
Denise Cloward,
Amador and Tuolumne counties: “Capacity in rural regions is
limited. Staff at the county level need to write grants and
connect all funding into one area, and law enforcement and
health-care funding must be part of the solution. Insurance
issues for those needing both psychiatric and substance-abuse
counseling are also at play, as is attracting large developers
into smaller regions to build housing.”
Frank Axe, Amador
County: “Changing public perception. By helping the homeless, it
will not attract more homeless people to the area. There’s a
misconception that they are all drug addicts and responsible for
their situation so we shouldn’t help them, as well as resentment
that they are taking resources from the community.”
How do you see homelessness affecting businesses, and what do you see as the role of the business community in solving this crisis?
Jeff Brown, Placer
County: “We have had local businesses complain about homeless
individuals loitering and/or panhandling in front of their
offices and stores. Our goal has been to direct our outreach
teams to these areas and attempt to engage these individuals into
program services. Our Whole Person Care pilot program has been
particularly successful in working with many of these
individuals. … For our safety-net programs to be truly
successful, we need the support of the business community.
Support for siting any facility is essential for success. Other
support is also critical. For example, in North Auburn, many of
the local businesses support The Gathering Inn’s emergency
housing program at the (Placer County) Government Center. They
provide financial assistance, in-kind donations and mobilize
volunteers to assist the program and meet whatever needs they may
Mike Leahy, Yuba
County: “Handling or dealing with the homeless is a core issue
that affects the livelihood of business owners. Loitering drives
customers away, and, oftentimes, there is a criminal element —
not always, but it does occur. Our local businesses were plagued
with such issues until the Marysville Police, led by Chief
Christian Sachs, made a huge impact. We can’t criminalize being
homeless, but we can enforce other nonassociated laws such as
loitering and panhandling. The largest solution was in
landscaping and clearing brush, exposing the business and
eliminating hiding areas. This translated into a 90 percent
reduction in those types of complaints among business
Lt. Jausiah
Jacobson, Fairfield: “Many businesses … complain of a
lack of patronage due to homeless individuals loitering in the
area and frightening customers. … Businesses can partner with
local government agencies to come up with viable solutions …
through education, crime prevention through environmental design,
hiring new or additional security staff, communicating and
partnering with neighboring businesses, and contacting local law
enforcement agencies.”
René Evans, El Dorado
County: “In a very negative way — we see trash and drug
paraphernalia, which means people don’t go to certain stores or
shopping centers because of the homeless contingent frightening
folks. This all leads to a loss of revenue, from the business
owner to the county, state and federal government. … (Business
owners) must continue to call the police and sheriff’s
departments, which in turn brings the problem to the forefront as
an issue to be solved in our community. Compassion and support
are also important. It’s tough on the homeless to be in that
situation, and it’s also tough on our business community to deal
with it every day.”
Denise Cloward,
Amador and Tuolumne counties: “The business community needs to
meet and share their experiences and discuss ideas — since
blaming doesn’t work — about how to address the problem.”
What approaches might be tried in the future?
Jeff Brown, Placer
County: “Shared housing — while not always desirable — has become
a reality for many of our state’s residents. Our department has
embraced this strategy, working together with funders such as
Sutter Health and nonprofit organizations such as Advocates for
Mentally Ill Housing. We procure the housing and transfer it to
nonprofit organizations like AMIH to operate while we continue to
provide services — including mental-health treatment and case
management — to the residents.”
René Evans, El Dorado
County: “I believe it will be a combination of enforcement; cash
infusion; maybe building tiny houses in a tiny-house village with
a community center; opening regional fully staffed and fully
funded shelters for each of our communities that have on-site
services like security, 24-hour staffs of trained officers,
health services like (tuberculosis) tests and flu shots
administered by nurses; computers; job-search assistance;
housing-search assistance; housing advocates; transport services;
day care; and more.”
Denise Cloward,
Amador and Tuolumne counties: “Law enforcement must have an
alternate place to take folks who are not going to be arrested.
If they don’t have an alternate place to take them, those people
stay in our parks or near businesses and cause issues. Sheltering
is only a short-term solution, however; if we don’t also connect
them to services, they will only end up bottlenecking the
Patrick Kennedy,
Sacramento County: “We know there is not a single silver-bullet
solution. Solving homelessness requires not only innovation, but
also a dogged persistence and commitment to continue what is
working. This means that we will plug away at furthering the
strategies and activities in six key solution areas identified in
our County (of Sacramento) Homeless Plan: preventing
homelessness; mitigating the street crisis; expanding and
improving sheltering; expanding rehousing and new housing
production; improving the impact of mainstream services; and
working together to improve our system leadership, capacity and
Frank Axe, Amador
County: “We’ll be implementing a low-barrier shelter, a
sanctioned camping area for the homeless, whether it is in tents
or in cars. Portable toilets and wash stations can be supplied,
thereby creating a more sanitary situation. Having a central
location will facilitate the application of mental-health
services and provide a mechanism (or) pathway for the
reintegration of the homeless.”
Lt. Jausiah
Jacobson, Fairfield: “We’re working on creating a
multidisciplinary team to conduct frequent outreach services.
This could include local law enforcement, mental-health
professionals, medical professionals, and health and social
service professionals.”
Mike Leahy, Yuba
County:“Enforcing all laws combined with a rehab option. … In
our recent (point-in-time) count, we actually found that a
majority of those in tents or lean-to type dwellings are drug
addicted. The number of substance abusers is staggering, yet most
municipalities refuse to address this directly. While many say
that the government should fix (homelessness), it is an issue
that can only be solved with all hands on deck. It takes everyone
to make a long-term change.”
Sarah Bontrager,
Elk Grove:“Often what happens when people become homeless is that
they gradually lose their ties to community — they interact less
with family, friends and social-service and faith organizations,
and they lose the sense of belonging and social support that
those relationships provide. Some of the most successful housing
seeks to re-establish a sense of community connection. It’s
easier to make good choices when you have someone walking
alongside you.”
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Homelessness is a growing problem that affects all of us across the Capital Region
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