Be Your Own Champion

In leadership, critique itself matters less than what you do with it.

Mar 1, 2018 Winnie Comstock-Carlson

Art Exposed: Zahra Ammar

Zahra Ammar is one of five moderators of Contemporary Quilling, a growing global network of serious papercrafters, created as a reaction to the traditional Quilling Guild, which upholds strict guidelines based on the craft’s historic origins. Comstock’s recently spoke with Ammar about leading a papercraft rebellion, and what drives this Capital Region artist.

Buzzwords: Revolutionary

The infomercial world is full of goods that will purportedly forever alter the way you mop, do your laundry, cook eggs, exercise and listen to music.

But are those products truly revolutionary? More importantly, can a product or service truly be revolutionary at all?

Feb 15, 2018 Jennifer Newman

Connections Across the Causeway Vital to Growth

Connectivity between the capital city and one of the leading research universities in the nation is an obvious essential ingredient if our region’s diverse set of assets are to be leveraged collectively. This is particularly relevant as UC Davis and the City of Sacramento work together to provide the jobs and lifestyle amenities more likely to keep university graduates in the region.

Feb 12, 2018 Allison Joy

Dilemma of the Month: Speaking Freely on Social Media

A client recently threatened to quit working with us after seeing politically-charged posts she deemed offensive on one of my account manager’s social media accounts. I’ve asked the employee not to let this happen again, but he countered that we have no policy in place (which is true), and furthermore, these are his personal accounts and he is entitled to free speech. How can I deal with this situation?

Feb 8, 2018 Suzanne Lucas