Kristina Shevory

Kristina Shevory is a freelance reporter who writes regularly for The New York Times. Her stories have also appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, Businessweek, Pacific Standard and Wired.

Esther Shein

Esther Shein is a freelance writer and editor whose work has appeared in several online and print publications, including InformationWeek, eWeek, Computerworld, BYTE, CIO, CFO and The Boston Globe. Previously she was the editor-in-chief of Datamation.

Stephanie Flores

Stephanie Flores is the former managing editor of Comstock’s. She is now a freelance writer residing in New Zealand.

Kibkabe Araya

Kibkabe Araya is a freelance journalist. Her work has appeared in the Seattle Times, the Sacramento Bee, Sacramento Business Journal and Redding Record Searchlight.

Robert Celaschi

Robert Celaschi is a freelance writer and editor based in Washington, D.C.