Oak Park Wins the Bulk of the 2017 Creative Economy Grant for Food-related Projects

Sacramento’s Oak Park neighborhood brought in the bulk of the winning food-related projects, including a mural that will direct CalFresh (food stamp) beneficiaries to shop at their local farmers market, a high school sidewalk beautification project, and an urban farming training and demo garden. Here’s the projects getting a boost:

Jan 31, 2018 Amber Stott

Slumber Party

Your former bedroom community isn’t just for sleeping anymore

As California struggles to meet the rising housing demands and address the state’s policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Capital Region is positioned to look to the suburbs for answers. This means farewell to the bedroom communities and hello to vibrant communities on the outskirts of the urban core. 

Jan 30, 2018 Jennifer Junghans

Texting and Messaging in the Workplace — What’s the Risk?

In general, messaging is a more informal method of communication, which often leads to a false sense of security or lack of forethought, and has the potential to create legal exposure. It also opens the door for mistakes, by saying the wrong thing or leaving room for the wrong interpretation.

Jan 30, 2018 Marcus L. Turner